Guides to Counseling Careers & Other Resources

Within the counseling profession, there is a need for comprehensive and authoritative resources. These guides help current and prospective counselors find scholarships, loan forgiveness programs, and other types of support in these growing careers.

Guide to Transgender and Gender Counseling Degrees and Schools

Calendar Icon 11/30/22 Alex Stitt, LMHC

If you aspire to work with trans and nonbinary people as a mental health professional, there are many trans-positive career paths to explore, depending on your area of focus and level of training and certification.

Addressing Existential Issues in Affirmative Therapy

Calendar Icon 11/08/22 Alex Stitt, LMHC

Exploring one’s sexuality or gender identity is, by its very nature, an existential pursuit. In fact, LGBTQ+ clients often seek out therapy to help make sense of their phenomenological experience.

The Use of Referrals in the Counseling Process

Calendar Icon 11/03/22 Lisa Hutchison, LMHC

Therapeutic healing sometimes takes a village. Each one of us can benefit from a multitude of supports that help us navigate through tough times.

Contextual Behavior Modalities for Therapy – Defining Morals, Values & Ideals

Calendar Icon 10/14/22 Alex Stitt, LMHC

While there are many parts of a client’s self-actualization process that are certainly outcome-oriented, larger life goals such as self-acceptance, self-affirmation, and self-love are not finish lines or races to be one.

Guide to Counseling Careers: Aging, Gerontology, End-of-Life

Calendar Icon 10/03/22 Matt Zbrog

America is getting older. A 2018 report from the Administration for Community Living, which includes the Administration on Aging, found that the number of Americans aged 65 and older increased 34 percent between 2007 and 2017. Furthermore, it forecast that the 85 and older population would more than double by 2040.

National Bullying Prevention Month Advocacy Guide

Calendar Icon 09/08/22 Kimmy Gustafson

Bullying can affect people of all ages emotionally, mentally, and physically. While it is an issue that predominantly affects children and adolescents, bullying can still be problematic through adulthood. The effects of childhood bullying can be long-lasting, with many adults being able to vividly reference times they were bullied decades after it happened.

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: Expert Interviews & an Advocacy Guide

Calendar Icon 08/31/22 Matt Zbrog

Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease for children in the US. Each year, an estimated 15,780 children across the country are diagnosed with cancer, and an average of 40,000 children in the US are in active cancer treatment at any given time; approximately 20 percent will not survive it.

The Healing Power of Humor and Laughter in Therapy

Calendar Icon 08/30/22 Lisa Hutchison, LMHC

When a client and a counselor connect with humor or laughter, this can help the client relax, let go, decrease symptoms and engage in creative problem-solving.

Epigenetics: The Effects of Nature & Nurture on Mental Health

Calendar Icon 08/23/22 Laura Freberg, PhD

Factors as diverse as diet, stress, and drug use can produce epigenetic change. Epigenetics helps us understand how nature and nurture can interact to produce an outcome, including whether a person develops a psychological disorder.

National Suicide Prevention Month Advocacy Guide

Calendar Icon 08/16/22 Catherine Mosley, Kimmy Gustafson

“Together for mental health” is this year’s campaign by the American Association of Suicidology in honor of National Suicide Prevention Month. Know the signs, be aware, ask questions if needed, be kind, and seek professional help for you or for others.