Guides to Counseling Careers & Other Resources

Within the counseling profession, there is a need for comprehensive and authoritative resources. These guides help current and prospective counselors find scholarships, loan forgiveness programs, and other types of support in these growing careers.

What is Long Haul Covid and What Can We Do About It?

Calendar Icon 01/19/22 Laura Freberg, PhD

A precise definition of long Covid is still needed. Symptoms are wide-ranging and fluctuate over time. The effects are troubling enough to impact one’s work, social, and home life.

Supporting Students in Pandemic Times: A Team Approach to Socioemotional Health

Calendar Icon 01/12/22 Rebecca Atkins, MEd, NBCT

Working together, the student support services team will collaborate to make sure their efforts are reaching the needs of all students and that they are not duplicating their work. In team meetings, they look at data, review requests for resources from parents and families, and consult with one another to choose the best response to both schoolwide and individual needs. It takes a team of support professionals to ensure that all students can be successful.

National Mentoring Month Advocacy Guide (2023)

Calendar Icon 01/03/22 Cevia Yellin

When you think of the best moments of your childhood, outside of your home, who comes to mind? A favorite teacher, coach, neighbor, friend? Whether formal or informal, positive relationships with mentors benefit youth and adults.

Hygge, Ikigai & Fredagskos: How to Stay Happy in the Winter Months

Calendar Icon 12/15/21 Kimmy Gustafson

Winter months can be challenging for a lot of people. While the dark presents its own issues, the cold and ease of isolation can compound feelings of sadness and loneliness. Other countries that also experience long and dark winters have developed traditions and rituals to help deal with the loneliness and sadness that can creep in this time of year.

Counseling Children Through Play Therapy – Interview With An Expert

Calendar Icon 12/07/21 Kimmy Gustafson

The Association for Play (APT) provides the official definition of play therapy as “the systematic use of a theoretical model to establish an interpersonal process wherein trained play therapists use the therapeutic powers of play to help clients prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development.”

How Expressive Art Techniques Help Heal Your Clients

Calendar Icon 11/29/21 Lisa Hutchison, LMHC

Expressive art techniques promote mental health and wellbeing. When clients allow themselves to laugh, let go, and relax, they can experience relief from painful thoughts and sensations, which helps decrease depression, anxiety, and stress.

Why You Are Feeling Lonely—and What You Can Do About It

Calendar Icon 11/17/21 Laura Freberg, PhD

Knowing that what we’re feeling is loneliness, why it’s there, and what it does to our behavior and cognitions are key steps on the way to feeling better. As with all psychological conditions, our tendency to feel like we’re the only ones on the planet with the same problem is a considerable obstacle to recovery. Understanding that what we’re experiencing is normal and well-understood takes some of that fear away.

Including Pet Loss in Your Grief Counseling Practice

Calendar Icon 10/06/21 Lisa Hutchison, LMHC

Even though awareness and consideration have increased towards pet death sensitivity, there are many societal and cultural factors that do not support this type of grief. As a counselor, you need to be aware of this fact and offer supportive empathic counseling which helps your clients heal.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month – Expert Interview & Advocacy Guide

Calendar Icon 09/23/21 Kimmy Gustafson

The statistics for domestic violence in the United States are staggering. Each year, more than 10 million people in this country experience domestic violence. One in four women and one in 10 men experience some form of sexual assault, stalking, or physical violence from an intimate partner. Unfortunately, things seem to be getting worse with a 42 percent increase between 2016 and 2018 alone.

Mental Health Disabilities and Employment: A Guide to Rights & Advocacy

Calendar Icon 09/02/21 Cevia Yellin

In the first part of this series, we gave an overview of mental health disability and employment focusing on resources for creating a mental health-friendly workplace. In this piece, we move into the rights of individuals with mental health conditions at work, common challenges, and advocacy efforts. Aaron Konopasky, senior attorney-advisor for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) offered his expertise as an attorney specializing in disability law, rights, and policy.