Counseling Degrees & Licenses in Montana

“We have two grants that support counselors working in rural communities across Montana, and both include stipends for the graduates to remain in the rural community post-degree.”

Veronica Johnson, EdD, Professor and Department Head, Department of Counseling in the School of Education, University of Montana

The Montana Board of Behavioral Health manages the requirements for counseling degrees and issues licenses for counseling careers in Montana. This board regulates Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW), Licensed Master’s (non-clinical) Social Workers (LMSW), Licensed Master’s (non-clinical) Social Worker Candidates (SWLM), Licensed Baccalaureate Social Workers (LBSW), Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker Candidates (SWLB), Licensed Addiction Counselors (LAC), LAC Candidates, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors (LCPC), LCPC Candidates, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFT), LMFT Candidates, and Certified Behavioral Health Peer Support Specialists (CBPHSS).

Non-clinical social workers are able to advocate for policies and manage services that affect communities, but they do not offer clinical therapy services. Each license type has its own licensing requirements. Those who are licensed as a candidate in Montana must complete all required supervised work experience before applying for full licensure. 

Those who are licensed in another state or jurisdiction cannot transfer their license. Montana does not have reciprocity agreements with any other states. Those who are interested in applying for a Montana license will need to apply. Applications from those with active licenses in another state are considered under Montana’s out-of-state licensing rules for that particular license type.

Montana license requirements to become a Licensed Addiction Counselor include completing an associate of arts degree in alcohol and drug studies, addiction, or substance abuse or a related degree from an accredited institution or completing a baccalaureate or advanced degree in alcohol and drug studies, psychology, sociology, social work, or counseling from an accredited institution. The candidate must have a minimum of 330 hours of addiction courses and must provide proof of completion of 1,000 hours of supervised addiction counseling experience in a qualified treatment program. 

To become a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in Montana, the candidate must graduate with a degree with a minimum of 60 semester-hours from an accredited college with a program of study that is primarily counseling in nature and that includes six credits of a practicum. Another option is to complete a graduate degree with a minimum of 45 credits from an accredited college that also includes a practicum and with a program that includes Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Program (CACREP) core courses. 

If the degree program is at least 45 credits but less than 60 credits, the candidate will have five years after being granted their LCPC license to obtain the additional credits to equal 60. Applicants must also pass either the National Counselor Examination for Licensure and Certification (NCE) or the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination (NCMHCE), both of which are administered by the National Board of Counselor Certification.

Requirements to become a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Montana are similar. Those who have not yet completed 3,000 hours of supervised work must apply as a candidate. Those who have completed 3,000 hours of supervised work experience must have a minimum of a master’s degree from a program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE). Alternatively, the candidate can obtain a minimum of a master’s degree in marriage and family counseling from a program accredited by CACREP or COAMFTE. The degree must be a minimum of 60 semester-hours (or 90 quarter-hours) and include a minimum of 48 semester-hours (or 72 quarter-hours) of core courses. The candidate must also pass the Association of Marital and Family Therapy Regulatory Boards (AMFTRB) examination in marriage and family therapy or other exam approved by the board. 

School counseling is regulated by the Montana Board of Education. To become a school counselor in Montana, the candidate must complete a school counseling program that is approved or accredited by CACREP, or another state-approved program. And, they must complete a 600-hour internship in a school setting. Keep reading for accredited counseling degree programs in Montana.

Discover the variety of counseling programs in Montana and an expert’s perspective. 

New York University
Walden University
Northwestern University

Ask An Expert: Veronica I. Johnson, EdD


Dr. Veronica Johnson is a professor and the Department Head of the Department of Counseling in the School of Education at the University of Montana. She received her BA in psychology, MA in mental health counseling, and EdD in counseling and supervision from the University of Montana.

After teaching for five years at Winona State University in Minnesota, Dr. Johnson returned home to join the Department of Counseling at the University of Montana in 2014. Her clinical experiences include group homework, college counseling, adult mental health, and couples counseling. Her teaching and research interests include clinical supervision and supervision training, development and maintenance of intimate relationships, professional ethics, and forgiveness in intimate relationships. Roni’s favorite extracurricular activities include playing Scrabble, floating the river, and spending time with friends and family. She enjoys traveling, being outdoors, and watching her family grow. How does the program support students’ professional development and career placement after graduation?

Dr. Johnson: We notify students of prospective job opportunities and write letters of recommendation for employment post-degree. We also have two grants that support counselors working in rural communities across Montana, and both include stipends for the graduates to remain in the rural community post-degree. We regularly host workshops that provide continuing education opportunities for our graduates. What support systems are in place for students during their clinical training?

Dr. Johnson: During their clinical training, students are assigned a site supervisor at their clinical site, where they engage in at least one hour of one-on-one supervision per week, in addition to attending a group supervision class led by a faculty member or doctoral student. Students undergo regular evaluations to assess their clinical skill development and are assigned extra supervision as needed. Students meet with their advisors at least once per semester to assess progress and professional development. 

Accredited Counseling Degree Programs in Montana

Montana State University

Montana State University is the state’s largest university. It was founded in 1893. MSU offers a master of science in mental health counseling; an MS in marriage, couples, and family counseling; and an MEd in school counseling. All three programs are CACREP-certified.

The mental health counseling option is meant to give students the skills to address a variety of mental health issues through the lens of human development, counseling theory, learning theory, group dynamics and the etiology of mental illness and dysfunctional behavior. Each student in the mental health counseling program must complete 700 hours of supervised experience. 

The marriage, couples, and family counseling program aims to give students skills to address various mental health and relationship issues from a family systems framework, along with grounding student in individual and group counseling theories. The school counseling program focuses on counseling and human development while studying counseling topics connected to primary and secondary school settings.

The school offers an addictions counseling graduate certificate which enables students to become licensed addictions counselors. 

  • Location: Bozeman, Montana
  • Duration: School counseling is 48 credits; all others are 60 credits
  • Accreditation: CACREP

Montana State University – Billings 

Montana State University’s Billings campus is the state’s third-largest university. Its campus is located on 110 acres in downtown Billings. 

This location offers a master’s of science in clinical rehabilitation and mental health counseling. According to MSU’s statistics, the average time to complete the program is three years. 

The curriculum meets the academic preparation requirements for licensure as an LCPC in Montana and Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) nationally. These classes are entirely online except for two classes that require students to be on campus. These two classes are offered in the summer semester as a hybrid, with three on-campus days and the rest online. 

Practicum and internship experiences can be arranged in local communities. Students are also required to attend a new student orientation prior to or during their first enrolled semester.

  • Location: Billings, Montana
  • Duration: 60 credits, three years
  • Accreditation: CACREP

University of Montana – Phyllis J. Washington College of Education

The University of Montana is a public research university and is the state’s second-largest campus. The Phyllis J. Washington College of Education’s Department of Counseling offers two counselor education programs in clinical mental health counseling and school counseling. The programs meet the requirements for students to become licensed professional counselors in the state of Montana and both are CACREP accredited.

Currently, throughout the state of Montana, professional school counselors are in high demand. The counseling programs all require that students complete at least 700 hours of supervised counseling experience. 

  • Location: Missoula, Montana
  • Duration: Counseling programs are 60 credits
  • Accreditation: CACREP

University of Providence

The University of Providence was previously known as the University of Great Falls. It is a private Roman Catholic university. The counseling programs are motivated by the mission of the Sisters of Providence, which is to provide healing, education, and service, especially to those who are poor and vulnerable. 

The University of Providence’s addiction counseling program is offered as an associate of arts degree, and as an undergraduate or graduate certificate for individuals who have already earned a bachelor’s degree. Programs are delivered online with no travel necessary. The AA degree and the undergraduate certificate can be completed in two years. The graduate degree can be completed in three years. 

The University of Providence’s master’s in clinical mental health counseling degree program offers two concentrations (addictions counseling and clinical rehabilitation counseling) in order to become an LPC, which require six additional credits on top of the core curriculum. Either program prepares students to take the National Counselor Examination for Licensure and Certification (NCE). Upon completion of the program, students are eligible to sit for the National Certification Exam (NCE). 

  • Location: Great Falls, Montana
  • Duration: All programs are 60 credits
  • Accreditation: CACREP

How Much Do Counselors Make in Montana?

These numbers represent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics from May 2023—the latest data available as of January 2025.

Educational, Guidance, and Career Counselors and Advisors

United StatesMontana
Number employed327,660800
Average annual salary (mean)$66,990$60,230
10th percentile$40,140$38,260
50th percentile (median)$61,710$59,860
90th percentile$100,050$79,710

Marriage and Family Therapists

United StatesMontana
Number employed63,340Data unavailable
Average annual salary (mean)$68,730$49,420
10th percentile$39,090$41,020
50th percentile (median)$58,510$46,870
90th percentile$104,710$59,740

Rehabilitation Counselors

United StatesMontana
Number employed84,750410
Average annual salary (mean)$48,430$42,770
10th percentile$31,390$30,680
50th percentile (median)$44,040$39,350
90th percentile$73,710$59,110

Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors

United StatesMontana
Number employed397,8801,880
Average annual salary (mean)$60,080$53,690
10th percentile$36,700$33,600
50th percentile (median)$53,710$52,490
90th percentile$89,920$75,800

All Other Counselors

United StatesMontana
Number employed35,580120
Average annual salary (mean)$52,360$41,900
10th percentile$33,300$34,110
50th percentile (median)$46,130$34,170
90th percentile$79,880$62,800

Counseling Professional Associations & Resources in Montana

  • American Counseling Association (ACA) – Western Region
  • Montana School Counselor Association
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Montana Chapter
  • Montana Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors
  • Montana Occupational Therapy Association (MOTA)
  • Parenting Montana
  • Montana – Brain Injury Association of America
  • The Pacific Northwest Association for College Admission Counseling (PNACAC)
  • Women’s Foundation of Montana
  • Behavioral Health Alliance of Montana (BHAMT)
  • Montana Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA)
  • American Physical Therapy Association Montana Chapter (APTA Montana)
  • Family Assistance Center – Montana 
  • Montana Council on Problem Gambling

Mental Health Counseling (LMHC) Licenses in Montana: Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)

Licensing AuthorityEligibility & DetailsRenewal Requirements
Montana Department of Labor & Industry Board of Behavioral Health

Licensed Clinical
Professional Counselor
(LCPC) and Licensed Clinical
Professional Counselor Candidate (LCPC Candidate) are the mental health counselor licenses issued by the state of Montana.

In order to earn an LCPC Candidate credential, applicants must:

  • Complete a master’s program in counseling of at least 60 semester-hours with CACREP core courses.

  • Submit a completed application and additional forms

  • Pay a $200 application fee

  • Complete a background check with fingerprints

To transition to a full LCPC, candidates must:

  • Complete 3,000 hours of supervised work experience, at least half of which must be postgraduate.

  • Pass the NCE or NCMHCE exam

  • Submit a completed application and related forms

  • Pay $200 application fee

Counseling licenses in Montana are renewed annually. They cost $149 for LCPCs and $85 for LCPC Candidates.

Counselors are required to submit an online application, as well as 20 hours of continuing education hours. LPC Candidates are not required to complete continuing education hours.

School Counseling Licenses in Montana

Licensing AuthorityEligibility & DetailsRenewal Requirements
Office of Public Instruction

The Montana Office of Public Instruction issues a Class 6 School Counselor Specialist License.

The requirements for this license are:

  • Complete a CACREP-accredited school counselor program or a master’s in school counseling from a regionally accredited institution, including a 600-hour internship in a school setting
  • Pass the Praxis School Guidance and Counseling exam
  • Complete the free, online course “An Introduction to Indian Education for All in Montana”
  • Submit a completed University Recommendation form
  • Pass a background check
  • Submit a notarized Montana Educator Licensure Notary Page
  • Pay the license fee

Applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree (and are within four courses of graduating from a master’s program) may apply for a Class 5 license.

The Class 6 School Counselor Specialist License issued in Montana is valid for five years. School counselors must complete 60 renewal units per renewal cycle.

Class 5 licenses either expire or are upgraded. They do not renew.

Substance Abuse Counseling Licenses in Montana

Licensing AuthorityEligibility & DetailsRenewal Requirements

Montana Board of Behavioral Health

The Montana Board of Behavioral Health credentials Licensed Addiction Counselors (LAC) and Licensed Addiction Counselor Candidates (LAC Candidate).

Requirements for an LAC Candidate license include:

  • A minimum of an associate degree from an accredited institution in alcohol and drug studies, addiction, or substance abuse or an associate in a related field with at least six semester credit hours in human behavior, sociology, psychology, or a similar emphasis, three semester credit hours in psychopathology, and nine semester hours in counseling
  • 330 hours of education and training in addiction courses
  • A completed application
  • A background check, including fingerprinting
  • A Training and Supervision Plan form
  • $250 application fee

LAC applicants must meet the requirements for a LAC candidate license, as well as:

  • Pass either the NAADAC NCAC Level 1 or Level 2 exam, the Northwest Certified II exam, the Southwest Certification II exam, the NAADAC MAC exam, or the IC&RC ADC or AADC exam
  • Complete 1,000 hours of supervised work experience

Renewals for LAC and LAC candidate licenses are due every year. LAC licenses cost $128 to renew and LAC candidates cost $85.

Complete applications must be submitted along with 20 hours of continuing education. New license holders are not required to submit hours for their first renewal.

Rehabilitation Counseling Licenses in Montana

Licensing AuthorityEligibility & DetailsRenewal Requirements

Montana Department of Labor & Industry Board of Behavioral Health

Rehabilitation counselors in Montana must hold either a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor Candidate (LCPC Candidate) license.

In order to earn an LCPC Candidate credential, applicants must:

  • Complete a master’s program in counseling of at least 60 semester hours with CACREP core courses. Candidates may apply for licensure with only 45 semester credits. However, the remaining 15 credits must be completed within five years of licensure.
  • Submit a completed application and additional forms
  • Pay a $200 application fee
  • Complete a background check with fingerprints

To transition to a full LCPC, candidates must:

  • Complete 3,000 hours of supervised work experience, at least half of which must be postgraduate.
  • Pass the NCE or NCMHCE exam
  • Submit a completed application and related forms
  • Pay $200 application fee

Counseling licenses in Montana are renewed annually. They cost $175.

Counselors are required to submit an online application, as well as 20 hours of continuing education hours. LPC Candidates are not required to complete continuing education hours.

Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Licenses in Montana

Licensing AuthorityEligibility & DetailsRenewal Requirements
Montana Board of Psychologists

The Montana Board of Psychologists licenses Behavior Analysts and Assistant Behavior Analysts.

Requirements for licensure are:

  • Submit a completed application

  • Pay $450 application fee (behavior analyst) or $250 (assistant)

  • Hold a BCBA (behavior analyst) or BCaBA (assistant)

  • Complete a Montana-approved criminal background check, including fingerprinting

  • Agree to abide by the Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts

  • Complete 100 hours of supervised clinical work experience in addition to hours required by the BACB (behavior analysts only)

  • Submit a supervision form (assistants only)

Behavior analyst licenses issued in Montana expire annually on December 31st.

To renew, applicants must:

  • Submit a completed application,

  • Complete 20 continuing education hours per year; one of those hours must be in ethics

  • Pay $450 renewal fee (behavior analyst) or $200 (assistant)

Marriage and Family Therapy Licenses in Montana

Licensing AuthorityEligibility & DetailsRenewal Requirements
Montana Department of Labor & Industry Board of Behavioral Health

The Montana Department of Labor & Industry Board of Behavioral Health credentials Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFT) and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Candidates (LMFT Candidate).

Requirements for an LMFT Candidate license are:

  • Complete a master’s program in marriage and family therapy from a CACREP- or COAMFTE-accredited program (or an approved equivalent)
  • Submit a completed application
  • Submit a completed training and supervision plan for supervised work experience
  • Pay a $200 application fee
  • Complete a background check with fingerprints

LMFT license applicants must meet candidate license requirements, as well as:

  • Complete 3,000 hours of supervised work experience in marriage and family therapy
  • Pay $200 application fee
  • Pass the AMFTRB exam

Marriage and family therapy licenses in Montana must be renewed annually.

They cost $175 and therapists are required to submit an online application, as well as 20 hours of continuing education hours.

LPC Candidates are not required to complete continuing education hours.

Child (Pediatric) Behavioral Therapy Licenses in Montana

Licensing AuthorityEligibility & DetailsRenewal Requirements
Montana Department of Labor & Industry Board of Behavioral Health

Child therapists in Montana must hold either a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor Candidate (PCLC) license.

To earn a PCLC credential, applicants must:

  • Complete a master’s program in counseling of at least 60 semester-hours with CACREP core courses.
  • Submit a completed application and additional forms
  • Pay a $200 application fee
  • Complete a background check with fingerprints

To transition to a full LCPC, candidates must:

  • Complete 3,000 hours of supervised work experience, at least half of which must be postgraduate.
  • Pass the NCE or NCMHCE exam
  • Submit a completed application and related forms
  • Pay $200 application fee

Counseling licenses in Montana are renewed annually. The LCPC renewal costs $149 and the PCLC costs $85.

Counselors are required to submit an online application, as well as 20 hours of continuing education hours. LPC Candidates are not required to complete continuing education hours.

Vanessa Salvia

Vanessa Salvia


Vanessa Salvia is an Oregon-based freelance writer and editor with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry. As fun as rigorous studies in math and science were, Vanessa took an independent path and developed a prolific career covering lifestyle and healthcare topics for magazines and newspapers, important industries such as concrete construction and building waterproofing, and even hard science. You can get in touch at Sage Media and Marketing.

Counseling Schools & Licensure in Nearby States