Counseling Degrees & Licenses in Alabama
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“There are opportunities for students to work with their professors in research and collaboration that could lead to publications and presentations at professional conferences.”
Shelley Reed, PhD, Associate Chair for the Counseling, Rehabilitation, and Interpreter Training Program (CRIT), Troy University
Counseling degrees and licenses in Alabama will also be in high demand in the coming years. According to the Alabama Department of Mental Health, there are more than 200,000 Alabama citizens with mental illnesses, developmental disabilities, and substance use disorders.
To earn a counseling license in Alabama, the Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling requires that licensees have a master’s degree in counseling from a program consisting of a minimum of 60 graduate semester-hours (or 90 quarter-hours) at a regionally accredited college or university that is also accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), Commission on Rehabilitation and Education (CORE) accredited program, or the content equivalent of CACREP or CORE in the above specified hours. The main regional accrediting authority in the state is the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).
Read on for a few of the many accredited schools offering programs for counseling degrees and licenses in Alabama and for an expert’s perspective on the field.
Ask An Expert: Shelley W. Reed, PhD

Dr. Shelley Reed has worked for more than 20 years in the community mental health counseling field. She is the associate chair for the counseling, rehabilitation, and interpreter training program (CRIT) at Troy University in Phenix City, Alabama. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Certified Addictions Counselor II (CACII), Master Addiction Counselor (MAC), Certified Professional Counselor Supervisor (CPCS), and QPR Gatekeeper Trainer.
Dr. Reed has worked in the field in a variety of settings. She has been on the Leadership team and serves as president for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Columbus, GA affiliate since 2015. She has also served as the faculty advisor and is the co-faculty advisor for Chi Sigma Iota. She serves on numerous university, college, and department committees. She and her colleagues received a state-funded grant in suicide prevention in higher education for four consecutive years. How are students evaluated and assessed throughout the counseling program at Troy University?
Dr. Reed: Evaluation and assessment can vary slightly based on the graduate program the student is in (e.g., clinical mental health or school counseling). There are multiple steps of evaluation throughout the graduate program. This includes each individual class and assignments for each class.
A Fitness to Practice evaluation is completed throughout the program at multiple points by the student and instructors to measure progress, look at strengths, and address concerns if needed. A comprehensive examination also must be passed in order to graduate from each graduate program. This is separate from state board licensure and certification examinations required to practice. What support systems are in place for students during their clinical training?
Dr. Reed: Students have a dedicated advisor throughout their time in the graduate program. The advisor assists with course planning and guidance throughout their courses and experiential practice (e.g., practicum and internships). Each instructor is also dedicated to supporting the student with learning and growing as a counseling student.
There are opportunities for students to work with their professors in research and collaboration that could lead to publications and presentations at professional conferences. Student support groups have also been developed, including opportunities to become a member of the international counseling honor society, Chi Sigma Iota. This provides ongoing connection and support throughout a student’s program. For clinical training and experiential work (e.g., practicum/internship), students also receive weekly group supervision with their instructor as well as individual supervision with their on-site supervisor.
Accredited Counseling Degree Programs in Alabama
Alabama State University is a historically Black public university founded in 1867. The school’s College of Education offers a master of education in school counseling program, a 60-semester-hour program that includes two three-credit internships and a three-credit practicum. The master of science in clinical mental health counseling program is a 60-semester-hour program that also includes practicums and an internship. The educational specialist in school counseling program is 33 to 36 semester-hours and includes one to two internships (300-600 clinical hours). The educational specialist degree in clinical mental health counseling is a 33- to 36-semester-hour program, including one to two internships.
Programs are offered in-person, online, and hybrid. The school’s College of Health Sciences offers a master of science in rehabilitation counseling. To complete the master’s degree program in rehabilitation counseling, students must complete a minimum of 60 semester-hours and take the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor’s exam.
Graduates of the school’s occupational therapy program are eligible to sit for the national certification examination for the occupational therapist, administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT). After completing this exam, the graduate will be an occupational therapist, registered (OTR).
- Location: Montgomery, Alabama
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC); school counseling, clinical mental health counseling, and rehabilitation counseling programs (Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP)); occupational therapy program (Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE))
- Expected Time to Completion: Two to three years; School counseling (60 credits); clinical mental health counseling (60 credits); educational specialist degrees (33 to 36 credits); rehabilitation counseling (60 credits); occupational therapy (91 credits)
Auburn University is a public university and the second-largest university in Alabama. Auburn’s College of Education offers three CACREP-accredited master’s of education degree programs through the Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation, and Counseling: clinical mental health counseling, clinical rehabilitation counseling, and school counseling. All programs are available online or on campus and each of them includes a 100 clock-hour practicum course and a 600 clock-hour internship. The online program requires students to be on campus one week each semester, which generally occurs the first or second week of the semester.
The curriculum includes courses such as counseling theory; introduction to counseling practice; orientation to professional counseling; advanced theories in counseling practice; introduction to rehabilitation and case management in rehabilitation counseling; advanced clinical mental health counseling interventions; orientation to clinical mental health counseling; foundations of school counseling; and leadership and advocacy for school counselors.
- Location: Auburn, Alabama
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC); Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP); the school counseling program is also accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
- Expected Time to Completion: Two years; 60 credits
Jacksonville State University is a public university founded in 1883. The Counseling & Instructional Support Department of the School of Education offers either a master of science or an educational specialist degree in clinical mental health counseling. It also offers a master of science in education or an educational specialist degree in school counseling. Both educational specialist degrees consist of 30 credits and can be completed entirely online.
The master of science degree in clinical mental health counseling prepares students for LPC licensure in Alabama, Georgia, and other states. The master of science degree in school counseling prepares students to address the needs of elementary and secondary students’ academic, career, and personal/social development. Completion of this program leads to eligibility for Class A teacher certification in school counseling. Successful completion of the Praxis II exam is required before beginning any internships.
The school counseling program has two options: traditional certification and non-certification. Individuals pursuing the traditional approach to school counseling certification must hold a bachelor’s- or master’s-level professional educator certificate in a teaching field or a master’s level professional educator certificate in another area of instructional support. The CACREP-accredited non-certified option requires a bachelor’s degree but not an educator certificate.
- Location: Jacksonville, Alabama
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC); Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP)
- Expected Time to Completion: Two to three years; clinical mental health counseling and school counseling (60 credits); both educational specialist degrees (30 credits each)
Troy University is a public university founded in 1887. The school has a wealth of counseling educational programs to choose from. Their counseling programs include master of science (MS) degrees in substance abuse, rehabilitation, clinical mental health, school counseling, and student affairs counseling. The graduate counseling programs train professional counselors to positively and significantly impact many people’s lives. The school counseling program is certified by the State Department of Education for the State of Alabama.
They offer a non-licensure, non-certification general counseling master of science as well as master of science and educational specialist degrees in school counseling and education specialist counseling. This EdS degree provides a post-master’s training and experience program to help mental health counselors to prepare for supervision and leadership roles.
Many of the school’s programs are offered at various Alabama and Florida campuses and starting in August 2024, were offered as fully online programs. These tracks include rehabilitation, clinical mental health, and school counseling. They comprise asynchronous, synchronous, and residency components. Finally, the school also offers post-master’s certificates focusing on addictions, clinical counseling, counseling military populations, counseling deaf and hard-of-hearing populations, and counseling infants and young children.
- Location: Troy, Alabama
- Accreditation: The clinical mental health counseling and rehabilitation counseling programs are accredited by CACREP; the school counseling program is accredited by CACREP and the Council for Accreditation of Education Preparation (CAEP)
- Expected Time to Completion: 2.5 to three years; clinical mental health, school, and rehabilitation counseling (60 credits each); substance abuse counseling and student affairs counseling (48 credits each)
The University of Alabama is a public research university established in 1820 and opened to students in 1831. It is the oldest and largest of the public universities in Alabama. The school’s Department of Educational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling in the College of Education offers master of arts (MA) degrees in clinical mental health counseling, rehabilitation counseling (online), school counseling, and educational psychology. They also offer education specialist (EdS) degrees in counselor education and educational psychology.
The master of arts program in clinical mental health counseling prepares graduates for employment in private and public mental health settings. This 60-credit program includes courses such as introduction to clinical mental health counseling; multicultural approach counseling; and substance abuse counseling.
The online rehabilitation counseling master’s degree is designed to prepare graduates to serve persons with disabilities in various work settings. The program’s curriculum provides both experiential and didactic learning opportunities and culminates in a 600-hour internship. Comprising 60 credits, the program includes courses such as case management, vocational rehabilitation & placement; orientation to rehabilitation counseling; and psychopathology.
The 60-credit master of arts degree in school counseling provides prospective school counselors with the necessary skills to establish and conduct effective developmental guidance and counseling programs in pre-k-12 school settings. Courses include principles of guidance; professional counseling; and program development & management.
- Location: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC); clinical mental health counseling, rehabilitation counseling, and school counseling (Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP)); the school counseling program is also accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Education Preparation (CAEP)
- Expected Time to Completion: Two to three years; clinical mental health counseling, rehabilitation counseling, and school counseling (60 credits); EdS degrees (30 to 33 credits beyond the master of arts)
University of Alabama – Birmingham
The counseling program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham offers a master of arts degree with two possible concentration options: clinical mental health and marriage, couples, and family. The university has a school counseling program, which is scheduled to close as of June 2025 and no longer accepts applicants.
Admission requirements are the same for the two concentrations. The clinical mental health concentration meets the academic and field experience requirements established by the Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling (ABEC) for licensure as a professional counselor (LPC).
The marriage, couples, and family concentration prepares students for a path to licensure as marriage and family therapists (LMFTs). The school also offers a 15-credit post-master’s certificate in clinical mental health or marriage, couples, and family counseling.
The curriculum includes courses such as theories of individual counseling; diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders; foundations of substance abuse; introduction to couples and family counseling; marriage and couples counseling; and suicide prevention.
- Location: Birmingham, Alabama
- Accreditation: Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP)
- Expected Time to Completion: Three years; clinical mental health and marriage, couples, and family degrees (61 credits)
The University of Montevallo is a public university founded in 1896. It is Alabama’s only public liberal arts college. The school offers a master’s degree in counseling in three areas: clinical mental health counseling, school counseling, or couples and family counseling. These counseling master’s degree programs are for those who have earned bachelor’s degrees or higher and wish to pursue careers in the mental health field.
All tracks are CACREP accredited, meet the academic requirements for Alabama’s LPC credential and those who complete the couples and family counseling program will be eligible to pursue the Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) license.
This 60-credit program’s core curriculum includes courses such as theories/techniques of counseling; assessment in counseling; professional, ethical, and legal issues in counseling; group procedures in counseling; crisis intervention and trauma-informed counseling; and advanced human growth and development.
The clinical mental health counseling track includes courses such as grief and loss counseling; addicted families; family life skills and consultation; and clinical mental health counseling. The couples and family counseling track includes courses such as intimacy and sexuality; couples and family counseling; and diagnosis and treatment planning.
The school counseling track includes courses such as classroom management for school counselors; counseling suicidal clients & their families; and play therapy.
- Location: Montevallo, Alabama
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC); Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP)
- Expected Time to Completion: Two to three years; 60 credits
The University of North Alabama
The University of North Alabama is the state’s oldest public university. The school’s Department of Counselor Education offers master’s degrees in clinical mental health counseling (master of arts) and school counseling (master of arts in education).
The clinical mental health coursework prepares students for National Counselor Certification, National Clinical Mental Health Counselor Certification, and state counselor licensure. After graduating from the school counselor program, students are eligible for certification as school counselors in Alabama.
Both programs require completion of 60 credits and include courses such as fundamentals of counseling; theories and techniques of counseling; group counseling; addictions counseling; crisis intervention in counseling; child and adolescent counseling; diagnosis and treatment planning in counseling; contemporary practices in clinical mental health counseling; family counseling; survey of students with disabilities; and professional identity and ethics for school counselors.
- Location: Florence, Alabama
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC); Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP)
- Expected Time to Completion: Two to three years; 60 credits
The University of South Alabama is a public research university that was created in 1963. The school’s Pat Capps Covey College of Allied Health Professions offers a master of science in occupational therapy. The College of Education and Professional Studies offers a master of science in clinical mental health counseling and a master of education in school counseling. Please note that the Department of Occupational Therapy’s master of science in occupational therapy is a non-licensure track.
Students in the clinical mental health counseling program take the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam offered by the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC). They are also eligible to become members of the American Counseling Association (ACA) and/or the American Mental Health Counselors Association.
- Location: Mobile, Alabama
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC); clinical mental health counseling and school counseling (Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP)); occupational therapy (Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE))
- Expected Time to Completion: Occupational therapy (95 credits); school counseling and clinical mental health counseling (60 credits each)
Auburn University at Montgomery
In the Counselor Education graduate program, Auburn University at Montgomery’s College of Education offers a master’s degree as well as an education specialist (EdS) in two specialty tracks: clinical mental health counseling and school counseling. Students in these programs will be able to develop theories and skills that are applicable in career settings such as play therapy, higher education, school counseling, private practice counseling, adult development and aging/gerontology, and non-traditional settings. Several classes in these degree programs are available in both an in-class as well as an online format.
Both master’s degrees comprise 60 credits and include courses such as professional orientation to clinical mental health counseling; professional orientation to school counseling; ethical & legal issues in counseling; group dynamics and procedures in counseling; school counseling consultation; program planning for school counseling; school crisis plans; assessment and diagnosis of abnormal behavior; disaster and crisis intervention; and systemic couples and family counseling.
A minimum of 30 credits is required for the education specialist (EdS) programs.
- Location: Montgomery, AL
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC); Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP)
- Expected Time to Completion: Two to three years; master’s degrees (60 credits each); education specialist (EdS) programs (30 credits)
Alabama A&M University, or Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, is a historically Black public university founded in 1875. The school’s master of science in counseling degree program requires 60 credits of coursework with thesis and non-thesis (63 credits) options. This program offers a specialization in clinical rehabilitation counseling with options for part-time and full-time students as well as a specialization in school counseling.
The curriculum includes core courses such as counseling theories; group counseling; counseling and helping relationships; professional orientation in counseling; and diagnosis and treatment planning. The clinical rehabilitation concentration includes courses such as introduction to rehabilitation counseling; job development and placement; medical and psychological aspects of rehabilitation; and case management for rehabilitation. The school counseling concentration includes courses such as foundations of school counseling; organization and administration of guidance; and problems in counseling with adolescents.
- Location: Huntsville, Alabama
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)
- Expected Time to Completion: Two years; 60 to 63 credits
Faulkner University’s College of Education master of science program in clinical mental health counseling and a master of education program in school counseling.
Graduates of the 61-credit clinical mental health counseling program will be qualified to work in a variety of mental health and people-helping careers and will also be eligible to pursue licensure through the Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling and become Licensed Professional Counselors in Alabama. Nearly 85 percent of this program’s curriculum is available online. Students will be required to come on campus twice during this program for two clinical training sessions. The counseling practicum and internship in counseling course requirements are hands-on field experiences.
The 56-credit master of education program in school counseling is led by dedicated instructors who bring extensive educational and counseling experience to the classroom. Upon completion of this degree, graduates will be prepared to provide the mental health services youth needs for thriving in school and beyond. In addition to the fully online coursework, students will be required to attend clinical training at Faulkner’s Montgomery campus as part of their education and field experience module.
- Location: Montgomery, Alabama
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC); Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
- Expected Time to Completion: Two years; clinical mental health counseling (61 credits); school counseling (56 credits)
How Much Do Counselors Make in Alabama?
These numbers represent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics from May 2023—the latest data available as of January 2025.
Marriage and Family Therapist Salaries
United States | Alabama | |
Number employed | 63,340 | 270 |
Average annual salary (mean) | $68,730 | $54,200 |
10th percentile | $39,090 | $37,230 |
25th percentile | $45,250 | $40,140 |
50th percentile (median) | $58,510 | $51,590 |
75th percentile | $78,440 | $72,210 |
90th percentile | $104,710 | $74,140 |
Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselor Salaries
United States | Alabama | |
Number employed | 397,880 | 3,110 |
Average annual salary (mean) | $60,080 | $47,900 |
10th percentile | $36,700 | $30,090 |
25th percentile | $44,600 | $37,470 |
50th percentile (median) | $53,710 | $44,890 |
75th percentile | $70,130 | $53,510 |
90th percentile | $89,920 | $70,010 |
Educational, Guidance, and Career Counselor and Advisor Salaries
United States | Alabama | |
Number employed | 327,660 | 4,330 |
Average annual salary (mean) | $66,990 | $59,170 |
10th percentile | $40,140 | $38,220 |
25th percentile | $48,760 | $46,660 |
50th percentile (median) | $61,710 | $61,160 |
75th percentile | $78,780 | $72,190 |
90th percentile | $100,050 | $81,070 |
Rehabilitation Counselor Salaries
United States | Alabama | |
Number employed | 84,750 | 620 |
Average annual salary (mean) | $48,430 | $48,220 |
10th percentile | $31,390 | $28,570 |
25th percentile | $36,440 | $35,940 |
50th percentile (median) | $44,040 | $47,090 |
75th percentile | $56,610 | $60,170 |
90th percentile | $73,710 | $69,680 |
Counseling Professional Associations & Resources in Alabama
- Alabama Counseling Association (ALCA)
- Alabama School Counselor Association (ALSCA)
- American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA)
- Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling (ABEC)
- Alabama Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT)
- Alabama Association for Play Therapy (AAPT)
- Alabama Association of School Psychologists (AASP)
- Alabama Board of Examiners in Marriage and Family Therapy
- Alabama Board of Examiners in Psychology
- Alabama Council for Behavioral Healthcare (ACBH)
- Alabama Counseling Association (ALCA)
- Alabama Department of Mental Health (ADMH)
- Alabama Division of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services
- Alabama Psychological Association (APA)
- Alabama State Board of Social Worker Examiners
- Drug Education Council – Alabama
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
- Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Board
- Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH)
- Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services (ADRS)
- Alabama Hospital Association (AlaHA)
- Medical Association of the State of Alabama (MASA)
Mental Health Counseling (LMHC) Licenses in Alabama: Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
Licensing Authority | Eligibility & Details | Renewal Requirements |
Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling (ABEC) | Alabama credentials Associate Licensed Counselors (ALCs) and Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC). To be licensed as an ALC, candidates must:
To progress from an ALC to LPC, candidates must:
If graduate coursework beyond the master’s is completed, candidates may subtract 1,000 hours of supervised work experience for every 15 graduate semester-hours or 22.5 quarter-hours of coursework directly related to counseling. (A minimum of 1,000 hours of work experience is required, regardless of the number of credits earned.) | In Alabama, ALC or LPC licenses expire every two years. To renew a license, counselors must:
School Counseling Licenses in Alabama
Licensing Authority | Eligibility & Details | Renewal Requirements |
Alabama State Department of Education |
There are three primary methods of obtaining certification as a school counselor in Alabama. The first is through a Provisional Certificate In Library Media Or School Counseling (PCLS). The PCLS eligibility requirements of this pathway include:
Once a candidate has completed two years of work experience while holding a PCLS they can apply for a full Professional Educator Certificate. |
PCLSs are valid for one year. To renew candidates must provide proof of one full year of work as a school counselor, and pay a $38 renewal fee. All other teaching licenses issued in Alabama are valid for five years. To renew, counselors must complete a renewal application, pay a $38 application fee, and meet one of the following requirements:
Substance Abuse Counseling Licenses in Alabama
Licensing Authority | Eligibility & Details | Renewal Requirements |
Alabama Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (AADAA) Alabama Association of Addiction Counselor Certification Board (AAACCB) |
There are two certification bodies for substance abuse counselors in Alabama: the Alabama Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (AADAA) and the Alabama Association of Addiction Counselor Certification Board (AAACCB). Credentials issued by the AADAA include: Associate Addiction Professional (AAP), Certified Adolescent Alcohol & Drug Abuse Professional (CAADP), Alcohol Drug Counselor (ADC), Advanced Alcohol Drug Counselor (AADC). Additional certification in criminal justice, prevention, and supervision can be earned through IC&RC examinations and relevant work experience. Eligibility requirements for an AAP certification include:
CAADP certification candidates must:
ADC certification candidates must:
AADC certification candidates must:
The AAACCB certifies both Alcohol and Drug Counselors (ADC) and Senior Alcohol and Drug Counselors (SADC). Certification for ADC requires:
For SADC certification requirements, contact the AAAC board. |
The AADAA requires annual membership renewals. In addition to an application and fee, certificate holders must submit 20 hours of continuing education units. The AAACCB requires its certification-holders to renew every two years. Renewals must include 50 hours of continuing education, a $100 recertification fee, and current NAADAC membership. |
Rehabilitation Counseling Licenses in Alabama
Licensing Authority | Eligibility & Details | Renewal Requirements |
Rehabilitation counselors in Alabama must fulfill the requirements to become Associate Licensed Counselors (ALCs) or Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC). To be licensed as an ALC, candidates must:
In order to progress from an ALC to LPC, candidates must:
If graduate coursework beyond the master’s is completed, candidates may subtract 1,000 hours of supervised work experience for every 15 graduate semester-hours or 22.5 quarter-hours of coursework directly related to counseling. (A minimum of 1,000 hours of work experience is required, regardless of the number of credits earned.) | In Alabama, ALC or LPC licenses expire every two years. In order to renew a license, counselors must:
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Licenses in Alabama
Licensing Authority | Eligibility & Details | Renewal Requirements |
Alabama Behavior Analyst Licensure Board (ABALB) | ABA therapists in Alabama must obtain either a Licensed Behavior Analyst or Licensed Assistant Behavior Analyst license. The requirements to earn a Licensed Assistant Behavior Analyst license include:
Candidates for a Licensed Behavior Analyst license must:
| Renewals for ABA therapists in Alabama are required every two years. Licenses expire during the second year on December 31st. To renew, therapists must:
Marriage and Family Therapy Licenses in Alabama
Licensing Authority | Eligibility & Details | Renewal Requirements |
Alabama Board of Examiners in Marriage and Family Therapy (ABEMFT) |
The Alabama Board of Examiners in Marriage and Family Therapy issues Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), Marriage and Family Therapy Intern (MFT Intern), and Marriage and Family Therapy Associate (MFTA) licenses. MFT Intern licenses are for students who have yet to graduate or graduates who have not completed their internship or practicum. These candidates must:
MFTAs must meet the requirements for MFT intern licenses, as well as do the following:
LMFTs must meet all the requirements for MFTAs, as well as:
All marriage and family therapist licenses issued in Alabama must be renewed every two years. Intern licenses cost $25 to renew; associate licenses cost $200; and full LMFT licenses cost $325. Continuing education hours are required for all licenses, as well. Interns must complete ten hours per renewal cycle, with three hours being in clinical workshops, three hours in diagnosis and treatment, and three hours in ethics. Current enrollment in a COAMFTE or CACREP-MCFC accredited program meets continuing education requirements for interns. Associates must complete 20 hours of continuing education, with five hours being in clinical workshops, three hours in diagnosis and treatment, and three hours in ethics. LMFTs must complete 40 hours of continuing education with ten hours being in clinical workshops, six hours in diagnosis and treatment, and six hours in ethics. |
Child (Pediatric) Behavioral Therapy Licenses in Alabama
Licensing Authority | Eligibility & Details | Renewal Requirements |
Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling (ABEC) |
Child therapists in Alabama must fulfill the requirements to become Associate Licensed Counselors (ALCs) or Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC). To be licensed as an ALC, candidates must:
In order to progress from an ALC to LPC, candidates must:
If graduate coursework beyond the master’s is completed, candidates may subtract 1,000 hours of supervised work experience for every 15 graduate semester-hours or 22.5 quarter-hours of coursework directly related to counseling. (A minimum of 1,000 hours of work experience is required, regardless of the number of credits earned.) |
In Alabama, ALC or LPC licenses expire every two years. To renew a license, counselors must: